I used to be a person, an individual with unique thoughts and feelings.  Then I had kids and lost my identity.  I was instantly labeled a stay-at-home-mom, and after hearing that, most people just assume they know everything there is to know about you and they tune their thoughts to more interesting topics - the relationship status of Jude Law or figuring out how long they'll have to run on the treadmill to work off the Twinkie they inhaled for second breakfast.

Well, the truth is, I am still me.  I still love to say inappropriate things just to see if people are paying attention.  I still feel gratitude to Baz Luhrmann for creating films that make me feel like I know what it's like to be on drugs.  I still think that vanilla is a waste of ice cream and coconut is the Devil's food. 

Being a mom has added another facet to my personality, but all the original stuff is still there.  It's just buried underneath all the laundry.


  1. And thank heaven we now know you have turetts!

  2. I thought I couldn't like you more. I'm never right.


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