Friday, August 20, 2010

Homeskool Curriculum

I know this will make something like three posts today, but I've been slaving over this homeschool schedule, and I've never done it before, so it's a little intimidating. I wanted to share with you what I've got so far and get your feedback. Here's our first week's schedule:

Daily Activities:

Pledge of Allegiance - Or sing the theme song to South Park. We'll just pick whichever one we're feeling most loyal to at the time.

Math - We'll be spending a lot of time on story problems. For example, "If there are 24 cans of Dr. Pepper in the fridge at the start of the day and by the time Daddy comes home from work there is no more Vicoden left in the medicine cabinet, how long will Mommy be in re-hab?" Real-life stuff like that is important.

Reading time! - Before you know it, my kids will have tackled Moby Dick and they will tout their superior intelligence to every adult and peon child they meet. I can't wait for my kids to be better than everyone else's!

Lunch - Making the kids cook for me is a life skill.

P.E. - We're just going to start counting their punishments as school time. The boys run too many laps around the house and do way too many push-ups and wall squats to not be counting those hours as part of our curriculum. And no one really needs to know how to play badminton. We're good.

Our first week of variable activities will be as follows:

Science - We'll start by observing the progression of milk to cottage cheese when left in a sippy cup underneath a car seat. That'll take about two days.

After that, we'll move on to a study of the effects of prolonged breastfeeding on six year olds. I'm sure I'll be able to find a Dr. Phil or some You Tube videos dealing with this subject.

We'll follow that theme with a field trip to the farm, where we will learn how to milk a cow. And how to tell the difference between a dairy cow and a bull. I am sticking with this dairy theme for science because it ties into our first health unit...

Health - We'll be learning about the four food groups. Chocolate, ice cream, potato chips, and Soda Pop. Each child will be tested on his knowledge by having to put together an entire day's worth of meals using nothing outside these food groups.

And let's not forget -

The Arts - We'll do all kinds of things, like dress up as people from the bible and act out everything from pillars of salt to lion's dens. Walking on water might be a little out of our league. But I think we'll make our own costumes out of dryer lint and toilet paper. We'll also sing songs about loving our neighbors, and learn to play instruments - like the kazoo.

That's what I have so far. I think it's a good start.

I hope your kids don't feel too bad about their crappy public education.


  1. OK, so now I realize what my kids are missing out on, and it's killing me. Real life lessons, things that will make a difference...especially that making food for me thing.

    Telling the difference between the bull and the cow is VERY important, especially when milking one....and if you have 24 Dr. Peppers, I'm coming over right now!

  2. Hahahaha. Ha. I have to think that my curriculum would probably match up fairly well.

    I sort of love that you have 3 posts in one day. Funny.

  3. 24 Dr. Peppers is just enough to get me through the weekend! :)

    COoper says he's like to come do skool at your house.

  4. Not sure about that, but perhaps public school might be better.

  5. Forget the kids, can I come enroll in your skool????? :)

  6. THIS TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!! I particularly loved Lunch and Math ;)

  7. My kids are so missing out. A dairy farm, extended breastfeeding, chips, chocolate, Dr. Pepper and Vicodin, while dressing up like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I'm not showing my kids this. I simply can't top it. Crappy public schools.

  8. this is the most fabulously awesome homeschool curriculum EVER! I laughed the whole way through! I don't know how you come up with this stuff. You've got some mad "funny woman" skillz, Bethany.

  9. Hilarious! I am starting my first year as a virtual teacher. I had no idea it would involve Dr.Pepper! Maybe I can get paid in Hershey bars!

  10. Where can I enroll my kids? Are you taking new students? These are life lessons that every child should know.

  11. You had my husband at "South Park"...okay he wants to enroll in your home school! SO funny!

  12. Can I get a copy of your curriculum? I've decided to start homeschooling my own kids on the weekends, because this sounds like FUN. For me, at least.

  13. I would love to incorporate the finer arts into my kids' cirriculum, like kazoo playing, but I just don't have the talent! Do you think we could make an arrangement for you to teach them all in a group class? Also, you forgot a major subject: spelling. You have a huge decision ahead of you on this one: do you teach the ancient, and sometimes archaic "traditional" method, which includes words like "night" and "cream" and "handy", or do you go with the modern and much more recongnizable style that includes "nite," "kreme," and "handi"? It's a tough decision, but you really have to prepare your kids for TODAY'S world, you know?

  14. I loved this and I'm so glad there is no child left behind in your house. Though there isn't enough Vicodin to make home school viable for my family, I will drive them to school to bypass the sex education Oprah says they get on the school bus.

  15. Sweet jesus, this made me laugh. I'm sending my kid your house. You say you can teach him to cook for me? And isn't that cottage cheese in a sippy cup the most disgusting thing you've ever seen? Other than a pillar of salt made out of dryer lint, of course.

  16. Oh You! You make me laugh like no one else can!!! But I have this feeling that deep down inside you are this really excellent mom and so humble about it that you just keep all of us in stitches faking us out.


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