Wednesday, June 27, 2012

From the Mouth of Drew

 I'm trying to be cool enough or to have enough of a life that I have something to blog about again.  Creative juices (and desire to work with this weird blogger platform) are not flowing, but I miss writing.  So while I wait for inspiration to hit me in the face, I wanted to log some more of Drew's verbal gems.  These were all posted on Facebook at one point or another, but I want them here because I'm trying to be tidy and organized.  Ooo...more on that later.

 Say What??

All of the following are exact quotes or conversations with my son, Drew.

Andrew to Drew: So how does it feel to be five years and one day old?
Drew: Well, it's still hard to scratch my back where it itches.

Mom, if we could find a rabbit we could chop it up and eat it. I wouldn't eat the ear part if I saw it though, so make sure you chop that part off first.

Dad, your armpit hairs and belly button hairs are COOL!

Drew and I were watching TV last night and a commercial came on. Before I muted it, the woman on the ad said, "Are you the parent of a child with behavioral problems?" Drew said, "Mom, can you please turn the sound back on? I need to know how to not be naughty." This kid has a very firm grip on reality.

Drew, experiencing his first bloody nose: "Mom! (sob) It's scary! (sob, sob, sob) I look like a bad person!! (Whaaaaah!)"

Me: Drew, stop picking your nose on my bed.
Drew: Why?
Me: Because it's gross.
Drew: I'm just going to drop the booger on the floor.
Me: No!
Drew: Fine! I'll put it back in my nose.

Mom, is exercise a bad word?

Drew: Mom, what happens if you accidentally put a bug in your mouth and then take it back out?
Me: Nothing.
Drew: Whew! I'm not gonna die!

Drew: Why do people have boogers?
Me: I don't know. Why do you think?
Drew: Probably so they can wipe them on people.

Mom, I want to sit by Ella in church because she's cute, and I'm cute, too. When I look in the mirror it's adorable.


  1. I love this kid so much. I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard!

  2. I'm seriously crying. I think I'll cancel today's plans and read old blog posts instead. I can't stop laughing. Will you get Avery from the bus? I think I'll be busy laughing until I pee.


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