Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bumper Stickers

Living in the Pacific Northwest is sometimes like living in Hippie-Town.  There are dreadlocks everywhere, hooka lounges on many street corners, the term "granola" could validly be used to describe half the population but half the population wouldn't get it because "granola" is simply their staple food - not an adjective.
Most of the people in Portland and Seattle are very liberal. Plastic grocery sacks are illegal in some cities and sporting a Romney-Ryan t-shirt will get you a funny look in a way that your dreadlocks never would.
It's all good.  Nothin' but love for all the reusable bag people and the dreadlock fans.  I get it.
Here's something I find baffling though -- what is with all the Subaru's and their bumper stickers?
Does this phenomenon happen in other areas of the country, or just in the PacNW?  It's bizarre!  I swear I have never pulled up behind a Subaru at a stop light and not had thirty seconds worth of reading material to peruse while waiting for the light to turn green.  I often find myself tailgating Subaru drivers once the light does change because it's like being in the middle of a good book - you can't just quit reading, you have to know what happens in the end. In the case of the Subaru stories, it usually ends like this:
But you never know, so you have to keep reading anyway.
And back to that Liberal thing - I've never seen a conservative bumper sticker on a Subaru.  No NRA stickers, no pro-life, no Calvin and Hobbes dudes peeing on a Dodge logo or anything...  So I'm not trying to cause a political debate here, but are Subarus strictly Democrat cars, in the way that most SUV's are driven by fossil-fuel-loving Republicans?  When you register to vote at the DMV,  do they make sure that the model of your car does not conflict with the box of the political party you checked? Are bumper stickers just for the hippie-types?  I honestly don't know if I know anyone who has a bumper sticker on their car!
I did a Google search to see if anyone else had noticed the trend, and sure enough - there are images galore depicting just what I'm talking about.  But my question is; Does this happen outside of Oregon and Washington?  Please inform!  Also - if you have a bumper sticker or two on your car, please share what it says.  I find bumper stickers fascinating.


  1. Hi, Bethany,
    This is a hilarious post. The PNW is so fun and funny. If you want to see funny bumper stickers you should go down South. They are still fighting the Civil War (seriously) and they have a little rebel cartoon character that is everywhere that says, "Forget? Hell no!" I mean, really. Once my very shy parents passed a car that had a bumper sticker that said, "Honk if you love Jesus." So as my parents passed, they honked. The guy flipped them off. They were really embarrassed. I am also a tailgater to try to read people's tiny print. I have only had two bumper stickers. One said "Indian Power" because my son and grandkids are all Sioux. My son wouldn't drive the car with that sticker on it. lol The other one said, "Grace Happens." I liked that one. It was more my style.

  2. I drove a Subaru wagon all through high school. Actually, it was the car my parents bought when I was 6 and we had most of my life. They had my student of the month stickers taped in the rear window when I was young. I had a few for it but never put them up until I got a crappier car. One said Maui and had a turtle with it, I had a BYU Y for it, and the last one said Drama Queen. I never hung that one up. My parents called me that because I was an actress, or at least that's how I felt about myself!

  3. Nope, it's totally not just there. Eric is always talking about the "hippies" and their Subarus! Not sure what the link is between the two, though, unless it's just a style thing: they all want to fit in with all the other hippies? Here, they are often covered with bumper stickers, and also usually have a mountain bike/snowboard/several mountain bikes mounted on top.

  4. P.s. Adam just wrote a blog post on my blog and included a picture of one of his professor's cars and it belongs in this post. I couldn't believe it when I saw it!

  5. I've actually seen a surprising amount of Romney/Ryan stickers and signs this year. Way more Republican hype than in elections past, but more than that, I see hate bumper stickers about our current administration. I saw one just two days ago that I cannot repeat here.
    I actually love how hippie/granola the PNW is. It's kooky. It makes me smile a lot. And, I've actually been converted to one of those re-usable bag users. Having been close friends with someone who sported dreadlocks for a while though, can't say I will ever be a supporter of that particular hairstyle.
    I'm going to post a picture on your FB post with the only thing I want to put on the back of my car. :)

  6. Just saw this. I actually have this very bumper sticker on my car and I HATE bumper stickers. But I think this one says it all. So many men, women and children have lost their lives in the name of war...and the bottom line in most war is religion.
    As far as the subaru question and bumper stickers go...her in the wild town of our nations capitol... a subaru is almost 100% diven by lesbians and thier children!

  7. Subaru made it clear in a sales campaign years ago that they take "being green" very seriously. They picked up the "green" crowd overnight. I mentioned about 3 years ago on my facebook page that I made an interesting observation... if all of the import car drivers that sported Obama stickers on their cars had actually bought domestic cars, there would have been no need for a bailout. Said the guy who currently owns nothing but Old VWs. (But used to own nothing but Ford product.)


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