Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Eye Candy

We spent the day at Multan Falls in Washington the other day.  We brought my little brother, Joel, along because he's always more fun than me.

After we splashed and played in the water we went for a walk up to the bridge that all the idiot teenagers used to jump from until one too many of their numbers ended up in wheelchairs.  This is where all the young people hang out on the rocks scantily clad in meat market fashion.  

On the way up to the bridge we passed two girls in bikinis.  Trent and Drew were bringing up the rear, so as we passed them I turned to watch the little guys' reactions - because to my knowledge they have not often been exposed to girls in bikinis.  

Trent may need to pay a visit to his chiropractor uncle because he twisted his neck around pretty far before he turned to walk backwards so he wouldn't miss a moment of the bikini girls' retreat.  

Clearly Trent has a taste for Eye Candy.

Drew didn't walk backwards in admiration of the girls like his brother did, but he did his share of neck stretching.  

I wanted to know what my little boys thought of the immodesty of the girls...  "Were those girls in their underwear?"

And Drew replied, "No...they were in swimming suits.  Good ones!  I looked at their butts!"

I had no response to that.  But Trent did:  "I like they peanuts!", he yelled.

That's m'boys.


  1. I'm just surprised they didn't say "chicka-bow-wow!" ;)

  2. Proud moment! Maybe they sould have flexed their muscles & said "oh, Sexy!"


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