Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cool Kid of the Week

The totals are in...have been for a while...  And the person who has seen the most movies from our compilation list is Natalie with 155 views!  That's out of 202, so she obviously has no life.  Get off the couch Natalie!

But for her movie watching efforts, she earns the very new, very prestigious honor of becoming the very first Cool Kid of the Week!  Well done!

What is the Cool Kid of the Week?  I'm nor sure yet.  It means you get to have your picture on the sidebar of my spiffy new blog for a week - or until I feel like booting you in favor of someone more popular.  I'm sure it is a position that many will be vying for without really knowing how to achieve it.  Cool, right?

So Natalie - your picture is on the sidebar, and in honor of it being because of your obsessive movie watching, I chose to steal your Princess Leia photo from Facebook.  Creepy how people can steal your Facebook photos, right?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud that I have a) no life, and b) such a fittingly geeky picture available for you to steal. Awesome. :)


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