Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The First Day

As soon as Cameron's supplies for his virtual academy arrived in the mail I started to get excited.  Partly because I have a fetish for office supplies and books, and partly because the arrival of those supplies meant getting rid of half my kids in just a few short weeks.

Today marked the arrival of the first day of school.  It was like Christmas - I almost couldn't sleep last night.

Drew was pretty excited for his first day of Kindergarten.  Andrew and I are now accepting bets as to how soon he will get sent to the principal's office for telling someone to "kiss my hairy butt".
Ethan was put into Mrs. Forsell's class, which is something he had been hoping for since they put him in her third grade class last year and then three weeks later ripped her out of third grade and put her into fourth.

Trent is not old enough for school for another two years, (stinking late birthday), so he is going to preschool this year.  We're doing a co-op with some ladies from church.  That means that three weeks out of the month I get to spend Tuesday and Thursday afternoons by myself doing whatever I please while Trent is at one of the other teachers homes, and the fourth week I will be paying for that by having four 3 and 4 year olds at my home.  Yowza.  Wish me luck.
And then there's Cameron, who entered sixth grade today via Oregon Virtual Academy.  It's going to be a tough year.


  1. Lucky Cameron!! I love your signs docummenting their first days. Ethan is looking so old!!! :)

  2. They all look excited, especially Cameron! :)

  3. I have an office supply fetish, too!! Let's go to Office Max sometime and wig out.


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