Thursday, January 17, 2013

Five Question Friday

Today I'm going back to Mamma M's good ol' Five Question Friday.  I'm not going to link up on her blog, but here's the link to her blog in case you'd like to follow along.  I kinda liked the questions this week, so here we go...

1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
This one is so easy.
1. The Winter of Our Discontent, because it's my favorite.
2. A Tale of Two Cities, because then I might actually force myself to get through it.
3. Little Women, because I've never read it and always thought I should.
4. A box set of Roald Dahl books, and yes that counts as 1.
5. Twenties Girl, because it's my favorite no-brainer fun read.

1. Finding Neverland
2. Little Miss Sunshine
3. Much Ado About Nothing
4. Moulin Rouge (good to sing and dance along with - an important tool when bored on said island)
5. Disney's Meet the Robinsons.  I can't explain that.  

It would be cheating to say that I'd bring my five guys.  So I'll make that against the rules.  Also, I want to say Oprah and four more people who hate Oprah because DANG, would that be fun?  But I won't do that either.  I'm going to say it can't be any family members or friends because this way it's far more interesting.
1.  John Krasinski; he's funny and sarcastic in a way that reminds me of my uncle David, and I always enjoy talking to him.  Also, Mr. Krasinski isn't terrible to look at.
2.  Any person with an English accent because English accents make everything more funny or more civilized, whichever the situation calls for.
3.  Alton Brown because he would know how to feed us all.
4.  Dean Martin to sing to me.  Us.  Whatever.
5.  Ellen Page.  She seems alright, and she might be more crass than me, making me appear to be more ladylike and suchPlus, she's good looking and can be the one to populate the island if such a need arose. I'm kinda done with that nonsense.

(Assuming there are fruits and wild game available on the island)
1. Ding Dongs.  I know, they don't exist anymore.  Still counts.
2. Fried chicken.  
3. Dr. Pepper
4. Reese's cereal (milk included)
5. Peaches.  Just in case there are none on said island. 
2. What is your thought on year round school? 
We've done both traditional and year round.  I have to say that it is nice to have several weeks off to break up the school year.  The only way I don't prefer year round is when the elementary schools are year round and the high schools are not.  We gotta have all our kids on the same schedule.  And since no high school or middle/Jr. high school is year-round - traditional wins out.

3. What is your most embarrassing potty story? (Can't be one of your kids' potty stories either!) Hee Hee! This cracks me up and stems from a HILARIOUS twitter conversation...
Honestly - how do you choose?  Please see side-bar label titled "Potty Humor".  One of the most embarrassing, however, happened recently in a Target restroom and would be far too graphic to share.  Suffice it to say that I wouldn't be surprised if they called in forensic specialists after I left.

4. What's the temperature where you are?
Mid-Forties for highs, low thirties for lows...chilly in the bedroom.  Only kidding.  Just seemed too boring a question.

5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?

I hate the cold, so I'm going to go with anything but winter.  I find fabulous inspiration in all other seasons. Spring is lovely for cleaning, summer is fabulous for outings, fall is great for packing on weight for those long, cold winter months. 

Alrighty.  That's all for today.  Have a lovely Friday, World.


  1. I'm so glad you're back! Great choices for you island. I saw a recipe for homemade dingdongs...might have to give it a try.

  2. Alton Brown!! Totally makes my desert island list. Also, The Winter of our Discontent?! I had to google it. Never read it, couldn't tell you who wrote it, and I'm finishing my English Lit degree! ...I feel ripped off. The only Steinbeck I have been assigned in all of this time is Travels with Charlie, believe it or not. Seriously. My education is not at all well-rounded. Come May I shall read TWOOD (AWESOME acronym). I will do this gladly, without even urging (begging, pleading, demanding) that you read one of my favorites with or without the island- A Tale of Two Cities. ...but you should! You'll love it.
    Also, let's hang out.
    Additionally, you're hilarious.
    Added to that, I think I am desperate for human contact now that the @#!*% Flu has kept me confined for two straight weeks.
    I should probably stop typing now.
    Good Eats!
    Okay, that was it. Really.


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