Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Speech Therapy

My youngest son, Trent, is in speech therapy.  It's going pretty well.  He says all kinds of words now, and more and more often he will spout off a word that he hears one of us say, and it will surprise and delight us.  

Last night Andrew and I were watching The Hangover because it seemed like the entire world was raving about it a year ago and we never got around to seeing it.  All the kids were in bed, but Trent wouldn't stop crying, and after we'd paused the movie about eight times to try to get him to go to sleep I gave up and brought him downstairs hoping he'd fall asleep on my lap.  

But no - Trent watched that movie with serious intensity.  When it got to the part where Heather Graham breastfeeds the baby and it shows the entire breast being plucked from the shirt, Andrew looked at me in shock and said, "Did you see that boob?"

Queue the two-year-old who spouts, "BOOB!"

And of course, because Andrew and I are such mature parents we laughed like a couple of school children.  So guess who thinks "boob" is a hilarious word now?  That's right.  Trent, the Wonder-Talker.

I was a little worried that Trent would demonstrate his new word for his speech therapist when she came to our house this morning, but he behaved and "boob" didn't make an appearance, (verbally or otherwise).

The speech therapist did leave a CD of the most annoying children's songs ever recorded for Trent to listen to, and I dutifully played the CD when she left.  Trent loved it, and I was singing along...

"Puppy!  Puppy!  
Where are you?
Where are you?
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof woof woof!"

This CD was really aggravating Drew, who is four, talks pretty well, and who's musical tastes lean more towards Pink and Kevin McHale, shouted over the kiddie rap, "Mom!  Stop it!  You're making me PISSED!"

So that pretty much proves that none of our kids really need speech therapy, because Andrew and I will eventually teach them all the words they really need to know.


  1. BA HA HA HA!! Your 2-year-old says boob! Just wait till he lays that one on the nursery leader and/or bishop! And believe me, it won't be long before the therapist hears it, too. BA HA HA! I love it.

  2. Hahaha yes!! That is totally hilarious - I can't decide which is funnier... little kids saying "boobs" and "pissed" or the 4 year old telling the 2 year old to turn off the kiddie music :)

  3. You are sooo funny. You guys could be a sitcom. So good to know that your spontaneous teaching methods are working. :)

  4. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! I totally forgot about your pitbull episode. See . . . . it could have been way worse, I could have been in the middle of afternoon delight with little kids! Your story tops mine by a mile. In fact, I'm putting a P.S. at the end of mine because it's just so weird that we both had Pitt experiences within days of each other. Tomorrow I am driving around to find that car so I can call animal control and complain.

    Kindred spirits in the strangest of ways. :)

  5. P.S. I didn't use my zoom lens on the counters for fear you would see the ant invasion devouring all the spilled honey and other food stuff. Good thing I have multi-colored granite. It does a good job of hiding things. :)


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