Saturday, July 28, 2012

Password Protection

A week or so ago Andrew and I went to some friends' house for dinner and games.  Before we left I changed the password on my computer so that the kids wouldn't look at porn or play their Star Wars game while I was gone.  

When we got home that night Cameron asked me if I had changed the password, and I giggled a yes, knowing that the kids must have spent quite some time trying to figure out why they were being denied access.

"Well, can you please tell us what the new password is?", Cameron asked.

"No!", I laughed.

"What's the password?", shouted Cameron in desperation.  "Is it Bethany K?"

"No - it's a word you don't even know."

"Is it 'moot'?", he guessed.



And in pipes Drew.  "Is it the B word?"

Typical Drew.

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