Saturday, August 4, 2012

Check It Off the Bucket List

Anyone know what this is?  

It's a photo I have decided to title, "The Laundry Is Done".  

I can't remember ever having accomplished this before, but if I have then the feat comes around with the frequency of an appearance by Halley's Comet.  It might happen once more in my lifetime, and I'll be just as excited about it then as I am now.

You can scoff if you like, but finishing the laundry has been the impossible task since I got married and had children.  How very 1950's of me, right?  You might be wondering why this task is mine alone, and wouldn't it be more manageable if I had everyone pitching in?  Of course it would.  I'm not stupid, but I recognize an effort that isn't working when I smell it.  Cameron and Ethan were put in charge of their own laundry once and soon decided that they would rather wear twice-baked underwear and stink of a port-a-potty in a boys' locker room than bother with such a menial chore. 

So now that the laundry is done I will enjoy the wide open space of my laundry room for approximately 24 hours, and then I will start the next enormous batch.  You may send congratulatory e-mails, or simply leave your praise in the comments section below.


  1. That's awesome! It took me a minute to recognize a clean laundry doesn't happen at my house either. ;)

  2. Tons of praise for you! Also, I swear I have never seen that room in your house. It looks huge!!!


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